Diamine Inkvent 2023: Day 24 — Sugar Snap
Day 24!
Happy Christmas Eve! It’s the penultimate day of Inkvent 2023, and today’s ink is Sugar Snap.
The color/properties:
Sugar Snap is a shimmering ink. The base color is an earthy yellow-green that shades with a high contrast where the ink pools in the writing. The shimmer particulates are a bright silver that distributes nicely across the writing and it gives this ink a fresh and frosty appearance.
*Please note that the scan is the accurate representation of this color.
How did it perform?
Sugar Snap’s performance was exceptional. It had a medium flow and I didn’t experience any clogs or hard starts during my tests. The ink felt well lubricated and overall offered a comfortable writing experience. The shimmer distribution was not only excellent but possibly one of the most even-shimmering inks I’ve ever used. There was minimal need for agitation to keep the particulates shimmering. Cleaning was easy and the color washed out of the pen with a single flush and soak. There weren’t any particulates or sediment left in the test pens. Hooray!
Ink splat
Ink droplets
My personal thoughts…
I won’t lie, I breathed a sigh of fatigue when I opened door 24 and found another shimmering ink. I’m glad things turned around quickly when I swatched the color and inked the test pen. This might just be my favorite of the Inkvent inks this year. I love the base color on its own, but when I look at this ink, I immediately think that this is what they should have done with Cinnabun. Sure, it would have been another shimmering ink, but at least it would have had that sweet sugary glaze. Sugar Snap is also one of the best-performing shimmering inks I’ve ever used. I don’t need to think twice about it: Sugar Snap will be going in my ink cabinet.
Written in a Leuchtturm1917 notebook
More Images/Info:
Tools and materials used in the writing samples:
A TWSBI Diamond 580 AL with 3 nib units including a Fine, Medium, and Broad. All nibs are tuned to perform at the same wetness.
A Rhodia No16 A5 DotPad
A Leuchtturm1917 A5 Notebook
Scan of the writing sample