Diamine Inkvent 2024: Day 0
Another Inkvent is on the way!
Hello again! Another month of Inkvent is quickly approaching and my preparations are already well underway to bring you the best look at this year’s calendar that I possibly can. This year of Inkvent, we have the Black Edition!
What to expect:
Starting on December 1st, I’ll be unveiling and posting daily about each of the inks in the 2024 calendar. The same as before, I don’t consider these full reviews, but I'll try to be as thorough as possible given the limited time I’ll be racing through to get these out. It’ll be concise, but I’ll include the swatches, splats, writing samples, photos, and initial thoughts and possible concerns about each ink. Since I don’t plan on getting any sleep during this time, I’m sure that each and every one of these reviews will become progressively more unhinged as the month goes by. I imagine it will be a good time. This also doesn’t exclude the possibility of reviewing the Black Edition inks again in the future as they become available in their retail bottles.
And now, Sarah and I thought it would be fun to jot down some of our predictions for this year’s Inkvent before we get into the calendar:
Some things we predict:
Five Inkvent calendars in, I can’t help but feel like they’re running out of ideas to keep the inks in the calendars “in theme.” I’m expecting to see more thematically obscure and references to more “non-standard” holiday themes this year.
Last year we got our first “Star Bright” ink, and I’m expecting to see more of them this year. I’d love to see them introduce a new type of ink as well, but I’m not counting on it.
I’m sure Diamine hasn’t yet learned their lesson, and thus, we’ll get a few scented inks, and I will cry.
Something I’m hoping for:
Well, if we’re going to get thematically reachy, I want a Die Hard one-liner ink name.
We didn’t get any sheening inks last year — I know there’s only so much you can do with sheen, but it would be nice to see them work it in somehow.
Something Sarah’s hoping for:
An ink named “It’s a Christmas Miracle.”
Something with a Bauble in it similar to the Cult Pens exclusive Deadly Nightshade would be cool.
Something we definitely don’t want:
Scented inks. Please, stop. Please.
Recycled ideas. Last year we had a few inks that seemed far too similar to each other to justify.
Another dark blue-green with a red sheen. I’m over it.
Overuse of the chameleon shimmer. I had enough of it last year.
And lastly, the tools and materials we’ll be using for Inkvent this year:
1 Rhodia Dotpad for lazy reindeers
1 red and appropriately festive Leuchtturm1917 notebook for lazy reindeer and writing samples
3 TWSBI Diamond 580’s with Fine, Medium, and Broad nib units
I want to give a special thanks to Bill & Michele from Barrel & Nib for donating the Iceberg Diamond 580 for Inkvent this year! It will surely help me get through this month more efficiently! Thank you so much!
Now that the introductions are behind us, I’ll provide a release schedule below, containing links to each ink in the 2024 calendar. I will unveil each ink as the month of December goes by. each ink will have a link at the top and bottom that redirects to this schedule. Happy holidays to everyone!
Day 1: Baltic Breeze
Day 2: Wilted Rose
Day 3: Noble Fir
Day 4: Forest Gateau
Day 5: Icy Lilac
Day 6: Cranberry
Day 7: Lemon & Lime
Day 8: Marley
Day 9: Wishing Tree
Day 10: Chilly Nights
Day 11: Grotto
Day 12: Snow Globe
Day 13: Lullaby
Day 14: Mint Twist
Day 15: Sleigh Ride
Day 16: Tundra
Day 17: Winterberry
Day 18: Vibe
Day 19: Fruit Cocktail
Day 20: Potpourri
Day 21: Cosmic Glow
Day 22: Nutmeg
Day 23: Pine Needle
Day 24: Salted Caramel
Day 25: Good Tidings